Over the last seven years I have often been asked what it actually means to work as a hostess. What are the tasks of a “hostess”? Unlike in many industries, we are allowed to defend ourselves against a number of prejudices, which often include statements such as “a lot of money for little work” or “as a hostess you just have to look good and don't need anything in your head”. To start with these statements - I think that the job of a hostess is vastly underestimated by many people!

In 2016, while I was studying to become a senior civil servant, I took the advice of a friend to consider applying as a “hostess” or model in agencies, as this job pays above-average hourly rates.
I went to a professional photographer, applied to a few agencies and started working part-time at various events and trade fairs. 7 years later, I can say that I have become self-employed doing something that fundamentally fulfills me, what I love - but the job of a hostess for its well-paid hourly wages also requires a lot of discipline, perseverance, ambition and self-presentation. A high degree of flexibility and willingness to work in a team are mandatory.
So let's start with the basic requirements of every hostess - her appearance and appearance, in short her entire demeanor. It may sound superficial to some, but it can no longer be ignored that as hostesses we earn our money by representing a company or a product with ourselves as a person.
This means that you should generally attach great importance to a particularly well-groomed appearance. Short, natural nails, freshly washed hair, well-groomed skin, clean clothes and natural, fresh make-up should meet your daily standards.
But wait – daily standard? You read that right. We hostesses live from job requests that come in spontaneously every day, which, depending on the client, require more or less planning time. This means that if you are just looking forward to your long-awaited weekend excursion, it may happen that a well-paid job comes in right now or that another hostess who has to fill in is canceled. Spontaneity and flexibility are required in our industry!

The trick is to master a job so well that the customer wants to plan their orders on a long-term and recurring basis with you as the “figurehead” for their company and you can already plan a few orders throughout the year. Mastering a job well, this brings us to the core of our job! And probably the most underestimated one too. The everyday life of a hostess. Basically, our working days, for example at trade fairs, start between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. (in general, however, working hours vary depending on the job order!). Here you should always keep in mind crowded entrance areas, parking lots and train stations - because as we all know, first impressions count and so as “model hostesses” we are of course already dressed and prepared at the job site before work begins.
The areas of responsibility are extremely broad. From welcoming guests, information counter or product support, light service activities to the model hostess, who is decoratively positioned at the stand, the same applies here – flexibility is required! Because let's be honest, what use is the pretty girl on an assignment if she's too nice to support the company in the team and keep an eye on where help is needed. Over the years, I have often seen myself as an all-rounder girl who smiles nicely into the camera and the next moment serves her teammate a fresh glass of water and makes sure all the flyers are filled up. My eyes were usually everywhere.
For me as an agency owner today, the trick is to provide my clients (that's what I like to call them) with short-term brand ambassadors who bring the whole package! So I'm looking for hard-wearing, reliable, hard-working, intelligent and yet pretty women who don't let themselves get upset easily, even when things get hectic and, above all, never lose their smile.
Because I would say that our charisma – the charisma of a hostess – is the be-all and end-all of our job. Which isn't even that easy. Because sometimes after a 9-hour day at the trade fair and 8 cm pumps you don't necessarily feel like smiling anymore. But that's exactly when you have to grit your teeth!
3 - 10 days at the trade fair means 3 - 10 days of no daylight, but stuffy trade fair air, lots of impressions, lots of new people that we get involved with every day, new products and companies that we have to get to know as if they were our own Standing for long periods of time and all of this always neatly dressed and always friendly! In my opinion, the job of a hostess is often seriously underestimated and I hope that with my blog I was able to briefly explain what working as a hostess entails.
It's a wonderful job with many positive, beautiful and fun facets, which you have to love, like in any industry. If you don't do this, your job as a hostess can quickly have negative consequences on your mental and physical stress.